酒店名 | 澳玩客電梯民宿 | ||||||||||||||||
旅館類型 | 屬於B&B類型的酒店 (Hotel) | ||||||||||||||||
環境圖片 | 酒店內部實景圖:![]() | ||||||||||||||||
聯繫電話 | 注意:商家電話已隱藏,可在預訂後獲取!(點擊查看) | ||||||||||||||||
訂房價格 | 今日促銷房型折扣價3,580TWD起(查看詳情) | ||||||||||||||||
客房預定 | 限時折扣,低價擔保! (如其他平台更低價,退差價!)Agoda特價訂房 >> ![]() | ||||||||||||||||
區域 | 臺灣宜蘭縣 | ||||||||||||||||
詳細地址 | 酒店具體位置,點擊鏈接可查看地圖位置: Fuheer RoadNo. 8-1, Fuheer Road, Lane 118 (查看地圖) | ||||||||||||||||
停車場 | 因臨時變更,酒店停車情況請詢問櫃檯 | ||||||||||||||||
訪客評分 | (37位受訪者參與點評) | ||||||||||||||||
網友評論 | 網友對它的評價怎麼樣?
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常見問題 | 網友咨詢匯總: 問:澳玩客電梯民宿可以停車嗎? 答:澳玩客電梯民宿的住客有下列停車選項(視實際情況而定):停車場(館內)私人停車場停車場停車場免費停車 問:澳玩客電梯民宿有什麼好玩的? 答:澳玩客電梯民宿提供下列活動/服務(可能需收費):自行車自行車(免費) | ||||||||||||||||
精彩點評 | 帶我們入住的服務人員態度很親切?一樓大廳佈置的很用心,放了很多娃娃很可愛? 洗澡水壓很足夠,熱水夠熱??有浴缸可以泡澡放鬆很棒 沒有 主人超親切 環境乾淨舒適 讓人真的置身世外 放鬆享受假期 擺設讓我20年前去澳洲玩兩個月的回憶又湧上心頭~ 若包棟絕對更物超所值 ~ 感覺到民宿設計得非常用心,老闆也樂意分享~ Best place I’ve ever stayed so far - squeaky clean room; not even a speck of dust on the slides, fully sanitized environment and even the bath tub is scrubbed before our arrival - warmer inside the bathroom, we can activate warmer prior to bathing or during bathing to keep cold weather warm while bathing ? - all toiletries are provided; towels are fresh, toothbrush & toothpaste, shower cap, razor, cotton buds etc. ✨ - Toilet seats comes with Japanese warmer function and washing off butts after used. - The kids had lots of fun with slides and the toys in the room! ? - adults had fun playing with the poker and darts in the living room area (shared area) ??? - Lift makes it very convenient to carry the luggage up and down the levels - Their fridge is huge. For breastfeeding mothers, you can store your milk here - Huge living room area for family activities and tables available if you decide to bring back food from night market to eat within premise during cold weather - free shuttle service provided for us to travel to National Art Centre Wujie (driven by owner himself) - very friendly and polite owner whom specially greet us during arrival and departure - owner specially ensure we have proper transport available before arrival, during trip and upon leaving - owner went the extra mile to help in our itinerary planning, weather considerations and recommended trip duration per attraction. They even offered to buy us breakfast (if needed) though we didn’t book for breakfast. Very helpful ??? - free cots not provided even though it’s stated in the website “available upon request”. Was even told to pay extra for bedding but I wasn’t able to cancel the booking as there are charges incurred upon cancellation. We initially booked this property due to the baby cot availability ? - we misunderstood that the free shuttle was referring to hotel transfer; but it actually meant shutter service provided for nearby travel. From Taoyuan airport to this property takes approx 90mins car ride, cost minimum NT3000 - NT4500 per trip for 7-seater Mercs. Bus takes off every 2 hours and takes about another 2 hours to reach here (total 4 hours) Train can be taken from Taoyuan airport, change line at Taipei station to stop at Luodong station (total 150 mins ride) but also need to find a taxi or private hire from station; seats are not guaranteed. | ||||||||||||||||
酒店情況 | 澳玩客民宿位於宜蘭縣五結鄉,距離台北 50 公里,館內設有露台和陽光露台。民宿設有免費私人停車場。 客房均配有空調和 50 吋平面有線電視 | ||||||||||||||||
酒店評價 | 停車早餐休息等方面的點評: 位置便利:位於顧客評分高達 9.3 的便利地帶 歐陸式 | ||||||||||||||||
附近設施 | 住在澳玩客電梯民宿方便嗎?都有哪些景點和配套呢?
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營業時間 |
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其他信息 | 酒店別稱:澳玩客 推薦親子民宿/溜滑梯/電梯/住宿郵政編碼:268經緯度:24.6780241,121.7979350酒店網站:可訪問http://www.aus.com.tw/查看酒店其他信息咨詢電話:+886 905 636 111 | ||||||||||||||||
相關酒店 | |||||||||||||||||
位置詳情 | 26866台灣宜蘭縣五結鄉福和二路118巷8-1 號
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酒店簡介 | 澳玩客電梯民宿位於臺灣宜蘭縣Fuheer Road,詳細地址是No. 8-1, Fuheer Road, Lane 118,類型屬於B&B。現在客房預定火爆促銷中,促銷價格為新台幣3,580起。口碑良好,獲得了9.4的顧客評分,其中有37位顧客參與了真實點評。交通便利配套齊全,1.6km內有冬山河親水公園,2.8km內有國立傳統藝術中心等配套,非常方便。通過本站的客房預定鏈接,可以預定超值特價房哦。 | ||||||||||||||||
猜你喜歡 | 奧之海潛水旅宿位於臺灣屏東縣中正路57號,客房預定價格700TWD起,類型為青年旅館,當前評分8.7,網友點評:"老闆親切,教練仔細教學,第一次潛水也不怕💪💪💪在民宿屋頂可以觀看星星🌟"。 |
酒店名稱 | 玩美社區 |
圖片 | ![]() |
旅店位置 | 臺灣屏東縣墾丁路263號2樓 |
網友評分 | 8.4 |
促銷價格 | 1,600TWD起 |
訪客評價 | "離墾丁大街近、附近有停車場方便、老闆熱心早餐好吃、房內設計好看" |
執行時長 | 0.0063087940216064秒 |
文章編號 | ao-wan-ke-zhu-ti-min-su |
本文地址 | https://3jiudian.com/item/ao-wan-ke-zhu-ti-min-su/ |
本文主題 | 澳玩客電梯民宿 |
相關內容 | 跳格子民宿璞園民宿民宿官網美式民宿松楓親子民宿五結民宿澳玩客房间神奇寶貝民宿 |
更新時間 | 2025-02-04 19:52:18 |
推薦次數 | 14次 |
漢字統計 | 3706個 |
字母統計 | 2112個 |
數字字數 | 225個 |
其他字數 | 686個 |